Thursday, October 4, 2007

Mixed emotions...

Before I truly begin this post there are a few things I must do:

1. Take a deep breath

2. Que music - this will inspire and relax

3. Grabbing a box of Kleenex because I know at some point during this post I will cry.

4. Last but not least: taking a hold of my giant teddy bear. (Will share at a different time)

Emotions have taken over me this week, almost to the point of sheer exhaustion. I wear my emotions on my sleeve and one can always tell how I am feeling and sometimes I really HATE that. There are times I would just rather crawl into a hole, let them work themselves out, shake it off, and move on with out anyone else getting involved, or hurt.

Do you ever feel like some people are better off not ever knowing you? This week has brought those feelings on to me. Deep down, I don't REALLY think that is true, but it makes me wonder sometimes. Do my actions cause others pain and suffering? For some, I suppose, but I would like to think that I bring a bit of sunshine to most of those that I meet. Am I strong enough to continue to reach out to people with the possibility of getting hurt, again? I guess getting hurt is inevitable sometimes because you cannot control the person you reach out to. All that I can do is offer love and friendship and hope that is strong enough for the both of us.

To those that have stuck by my side, thank you!

To those that I have hurt, I am sorry!

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