Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Past Is Your Future

"What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment. And this is the moment you can choose to make everything new. Right now." ~Author Unknown

Well, we all survived the snow storm. All in all there was about 12 inches or so that fell overnight and the kids got their wish. School was closed. I would have taken some more pictures, however with the wind blowing and the kids footprints all over, it was just a

I ended up staying home with the kids, which made them happy so they could play outdoors ALL DAY LONG. I can't believe how quiet the house is when they are not in

The quiet time was nice. I was able to finish up a few tasks and also finish the book that Zee has been begging me to read. She insisted that I would love it. She was actually right.

The book is called The Invention of Hugo Cabret, written by Brian Selznick. He was awarded the Caldecott Medal in 2008. This was up for dispute during nominations if I remember correctly because the Caldecott is an award for illustration in a picture book. However, it's quite clear that this book, with a total of 533 pages, is not only a picture book. Yes it has many pages with illustration, 284 to be exact, but it also carries a wonderful story, set in Paris, about a pioneer film-maker and how Hugo changes not only his own life, but the life of that film-maker. I feel they did right by this author in awarding the Caldecott because the pictures are just as important as the words that were written. Without one or the other, it would not have been the amazing book it is.

It is a children's book, but if you get the chance, I encourage you to read it. It really only takes a couple of hours. I'm glad my daughter was such a pest about me reading it..hee hee!

Much Love!!

1 comment:

thims said...

I wrote a song with the lyrics, "Whisper Shout!" in one of the lines.

Is there some kind of eerie conisidence happening here?

I 'll have to read this book!
Nice blogette!

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