Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

Oh my goodness! Someone needs to peel me off of the ceiling!! I love love love scary movies and I hadn't seen one in a while. I mean a really scary movie. Those ones where you are watching and you can feel in every being of your body that something scary will happen. You put your feet up and underneath a blanket, you stop breathing, you can't blink or look away, and you feel like your heart is going to thump out of your throat and you have no idea you probably just wet yourself! No matter how much you try and prepare yourself, you are scared shitless and scream like a little girl when it happens!! Yeps! That is what I call a gooooood scary movie!

My heart is STILL beating hard after watching Mirrors. I just happened to be flipping the channels and the title caught my eye because just yesterday I started to write a piece about mirrors. Ironic? Who knows, but I thought what the hell! I surely was not disappointed! Kiefer Sutherland did an amazing job, which I expected. I've not seen a film/series that he was in that I didn't like.

Anyway, watch this clip. It in itself is scary as hell! Then go watch the movie. In the dark. No, you can't turn on a night light!!

Can't say that I care to look in any mirrors anytime soon....

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