Friday, November 6, 2009

Out Of The Mouths

"There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million. " ~Walt Streightiff

My little Bug loves Spongebob and he begged and begged to watch Spongebob:Truth Or Square tonight. Of course I gave in even though his sister gave me looks that could

I wasn't paying much attention to the show as I was busy doing other things, but towards the end they were saying something about how Spongebob wasn't always going to be Spongebob or the shows name wasn't always going to be that. I don't know if there was any truth to it I just remember rolling my eyes. I'm not a big Spongebob fan either, even though there is some humor in it.

Anywho, stemming out from there was a part where it showed how Spongebob "evolved" and how he would have looked a loooooooooooooooooooong time ago. Like Mickey Mouse when he first came out in cartoons? Remember? When they showed the clip of how Spongebob would have looked then, Bug looks at me very seriously and says, "Mom. I'm sure glad I wasn't born then.". He couldn't figure out why I was laughing so hard! :D Apparently he didn't like Spongebob "old" and told me that a cartoon like that would be boring to watch. LOL!

My little man sure keeps me on my toes and always has me laughing :D

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